Revival Back to Life Newsletter - January and February
Heritage description and digital touchscreens
The interpretation displays have begun to be installed in the Trinity rooms. Our stunning timeline shows 1000 years of Hull history, showing the religious positioning of Holy Trinity and the Minster alongside local and national civic events. The quirky illustrations by artist, Steven Lee Hodgkins, built on the sketches, photographs and research provided by our volunteers and staff. We sadly completed it the day our Queen died, so she features in our recent history. We hope you like it.
We have revived stories of some of our people whose lives have been memorialised in stone. Inspirational words and phrases chosen from there ledgers and memorials now adorn the toilet doors supplying inspiration in an unlikely place.
The interactive digital touchscreens in the Trinity Rooms enable visitors, volunteers and researchers to explore items in our collection. This includes the archaeology from the graveyard and Castle Street Burial Ground, which will shortly be on display, the monuments throughout the Minster, and some items in our collection which are not on show such as books prints and letters. Volunteers have worked tirelessly to create interesting features which enable you to delve deeper into the lives of some of our people. They have collated all of the information that you see on the touch screens - and done a fabulous job.
Memorial Restoration
The Stonemasons workshop has proved very popular for visitors. Provided by Mattias Garn Studios until the end of March, you can peer over the chancel screen where you have a birds-eye view of the monuments laid out in pieces on the table. Stone Masons cut, glue, clean and shape new stone to prepare each monument for rehanging on new stainless steel cramps. The artistry and craftsmanship from the 16-1800s is awe-inspiring. Some of these monuments would have been very expensive indeed.
In the first three weeks of January over 200 under 18 students visited the workshop. The team are happy to explain what they are doing to visitors and to show them examples of the beautiful carvings like the ram pictured below.
Heritage Talks continue this Spring with a range of speakers which include our stonemasons.
The Apprentice Journeyman – stonemasonry on my travels - 3rd March at 12.30pm - Book tickets here
Dr Robb Robinson 'From Hull's Old Town to the Ends of the Earth’ - Friday 17th March at 12.30pm - Book tickets here
Lunchtime talk - What we have discovered about Hull Minster with Mattias Garn master stonemason - 31st March 12.30pm - Book tickets here
Diversity Inclusion and Growth
Shirley is working hard to grow the volunteering team. She has been organising a range of activities to help us improve diversity among the volunteers. This has included Sight Sense training, disability awareness training, and planning assisted work placements for students with additional needs via Bishop Burton College. Members of the volunteering workforce have stepped up by taking responsibility for duty management, training, and organising events. Several volunteers to continue to contribute to the heritage interpretation project while others have committed to the education workshops.
Education and Fun
This term we will host 6 education visits for home educated families. This enables us to include hard to reach groups in our activity programme provide tailor-made training for those students with additional needs. A good number of secondary school age students have taken part in these workshops, and we are planning more later in the spring. since January over 200 young people have visited our stonemasons workshop - here until the 5th April 2023.
Our programme of activities for clubs has also begun with a 6-weekevening session with 1st Hull Girls Brigade.